Although disappointed, I am not letting this snag detour me from the main goal of getting TAOLA off the ground and having several Campuses will become a reality!
As for the actual "lesson" this week, Patience. In this case, I am using this set-back to finalize and complete the two shows that I am writing for the future students of TAOLA to perform. This set-back is a "gift" to me. Much like in previous lessons, where I have talked about "receiving" gifts as an actor. What happens when you get a "gift" that seems to be a setback? How do you turn that around? Dig deep into your bag of tricks and IMPROVISE! How so?
Example: You are performing in a show and as you are singing and dancing your costume gets caught in some scenery. You are horrified because you know that you need to be across the stage in 4 bars of music. What do you do? In my case, (because the exact thing happened to me), I was able to stay in character and have another actor assist me free from the scenery with a little bit of creative choreography and the audience loved it! The director loved it so much that we kept the "snag" in for the rest of the run of the production. Now this is a specific example but the reason why it worked is because I thought of the "snag" as a gift, instead of an actual "snag"! It's all in your frame of reference and being comfortable with your character and YOU as the character!
So, accept EVERY gift that comes your way and remember, turns those snags into great moments on stage and in your life!
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